Well Being in Body, Mind and Spirit

 In this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of your multidimensional energy fields. You will learn a variety of techniques to clear, align, and balance the chakras within these fields, along with methods for testing energy. Moreover, the course will equip you with a vibrational healing toolbox designed to facilitate self-care for your body, mind, and emotions.
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What's included?

Learn Energy Healing! 

You are an energy being with an aura that includes information about your body, emotions, mind and spirit.  This class is an in-depth study of your energy and  develop skills for healing and well being.. 

1 Ebook

Vibrational Energy Tool Box pdf

1 zoom webinar

Sacred Soul Studies

Sacred Soul Guided Meditations

Sacred Soul Guidance and Sacred Energy Medicine

Meet the instructor

Jaya Sarada

Jaya is an intuitive energy healer and spiritual guide.  She is the author of 8 books and has 30 years of training and experience in energy healing and spiritual transformation.  Most of her courses include her best selling eBooks with additional bonuses such as podcasts or audio meditations. 
Patrick Jones - Course author


Donna Eden, Author of Energy Medicine
The Path of Return is a treasury of information for anyone wanting to move forward on their spiritual path. Integrating knowledge from Eastern “wisdom religions” and presenting it for the Western mind. It is a most valuable guide book.
Dr Norman Shealy
The Path of Return offers an opportunity to explore mystical connections. Use it as a spiritual guide and enjoy the fruits of your search.
Laurie Keith  BA, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist
I have been going through a challenging time in my life...and the Divine Soul Empowerment gifts have been a steady inspiring companion for this journey. ...so grateful! Seems like spirit speaking through when I open to a page and such perfect beautiful oracle guidance magically comes through at the right time.  Magical!  Divine! Thank you soooo much Jaya! Much Love, Laurie
Richard Gerber, M.D.
A wonderful book that can help to bring about inner healing, greater spiritual awareness, and true enlightenment. It contains many great hidden truths about human multidimensional anatomy and humanity’s potential for healing and spiritual awakening. I highly recommend it be read by teachers, by seekers, by individuals in search of healing, and by anyone who wishes to truly understand the mystery of their own higher spiritual natures.
 Nathan Hayward, LPC, CADC
It is an absolute delight to read and take in the depth and beauty of Jaya’s latest sacred book Divine Soul Empowerment. The book’s passages, insights, and writing exercises promote wise personal reflection and offer a practice for intimate soulful exploration. I often intuitively open to a page or draw a card from the Oracle deck and find myself face to face with the direction I need to further open my heart and surrender to my truest unified self. I am grateful to Jaya for once again sharing her grace and love to help us step more completely into the bounty of our birthright and truest power.
Arthur Wilbrand
We all thank you Jaya for such a wonderful gift, written from both the heart and beautiful mind you have. The art work, and individually written messages, at every turn of the page, make following this book a true pleasure. If one truly studies what’s being passed on here, you no doubt will benefit from the Divine guidance from this precious Council of Light worker that Jaya Is.
Dr. Timothy March
Quantum Chiropractic
The first class that I took from Jaya was profound. She was able to identify blockages in my aura and clear them quickly using her vast knowledge of the energy fields. That night after the grounding experience that I received I was able to reach a very deep connectiveness with the earth. For weeks after that I felt the connection to the ground with every step I took. Jaya has an amazing ability to identify my issues accurately, while still maintaining the relaxing playfulness which assists the healing. Her presence is uplifting and energizing.
Christina Weber, LMT, Life Coach, Craniosacral Therapist
Director of Massage and Bodywork
Jaya is a gifted healer and spiritual guide. I have been blessed to receive work from her on several occasions and have been astounded that each time she is able to get directly to the root of the problem and clear it. She has taken her many years of experience and training along with tapping into her own intuition and connection with Spirit to develop a system that allows the wisdom of the individual she is working with to come through clearly. This allows her to find and treat what is most important in the moment. Using this work Jaya has helped me with everything from helping to determine which foods would best support me through a cleanse, to understanding relationships in my life. In her writings she is sharing her knowledge with the world. This information could be useful to anyone interested in truly helping others, but is especially valuable for those who are already in a healing profession
Sharon Sayler, MBA, PCC
Competitive Edge Communications
Jaya Sarada is a gifted guide, coach, spiritual teacher, and accomplished advocate for self-empowerment through introspection and energetic balancing. Her acute sense of the unseen and unspoken combined with her deep compassion creates a safe space for creating clarity to amplify the gifts you naturally enjoy. Grounded in love, Jaya serves her clients with a wide variety of modalities, finely attuned to what would serve you best in each moment. I have profoundly benefited from my sessions with Jaya, and through her guidance, I have awakened dormant internal support systems, my ideal energetic resonance and access to my untapped capacity allowing me to find my own awakening
Andreanna Vaughan,
Nurse Practitioner
Jaya is a masterful midwife for those of us searching for more. Her insights, clarity, and manner of BEING with you are all amazing gifts she gives freely.”
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND.
Co-author, Mystics, Masters, Saints, and Sages: Stories of Enlightenment
Jaya’s wisdom, insight and depth of spiritual development is a gift to us all. She has the remarkable ability to translate the sublime into practical techniques that are easily accessible and invaluable in our daily lives.
K. Heath
During one of my darkest hours, I sought spiritual assistance from Jaya Sarada, and as a result I am forever changed. She compassionately showed up for me in my time of need and was able to pinpoint where all my suffering was coming from, and it was complex, complicated and multi-faceted, so it took a real expert with energy healing, intuition and muscle testing to rise to the occasion and help me change myself into a higher state of being. As a result I felt inside, and also saw outwardly in my life, the transformation, and to this day, I still feel that level of abiding “it’s all going to be ok” energy that I didn’t have before, and I consider what I received from Jaya nothing short of true, long lasting healing. I am grateful. I now have a new baseline of existing, and do not get so deep into sorrow anymore ever since those couple appointments I had with her.
My healing with Jaya was not only powerful, but profound. I could feel internal structures of my being filling with light and shifting. I left feeling energized, clear, hopeful and joyous about my life. I look forward to the next healing with Jaya and her angelic team.
Jaya is an exceptional healer. Her work transcends all time and space to ensure your soul is uplifted to its highest capacity. Jaya works with you and helps direct energy in a way that cuts all ties not uplifting your life, as well as articulates what your higher self is calling you towards. Jaya’s powerful yet gentle hands offer some of the most profound healing I have ever found. She is truly a woman on her path. It is such an honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to do this work with her. Highly recommend to anyone willing and ready to show up fully and sincerely to their life.
Jaya is warm, genuine and has dedicated her life’s work to her unique modality of healing arts and her writing ( which is quite extensive.) Her work comes from the heart to help heal, uplift and ease suffering. During a season, she is able to quickly assess areas in need of her assistance and then work with many forms of energy healing including sound healing and kinesiology testing. I felt amazing after my season with Jaya and look forward to benefiting from her work in the near future.
I had two amazing energy sessions with Jaya. She made a huge difference in my healing journey. I will be seeing her again soon and highly recommend her services.
I have had several great experiences working with Jaya. I would recommend her and will work with her again.
I had a session 3 weeks ago with Jaya who helped me embrace a fearful situation. The calmness and clarity I walked away with continues. I am so grateful to Jaya and her expert.  
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